For the CAMCES CAPI version, the combination box and search tree interfaces were programmed as a separate piece of software. This piece of software can be loaded by the CAPI questionnaire delivery software and the resulting code can be fed back to the CAPI software (MS Windows only). For this purpose, the identification code of the relevant educational system resulting from the questionnaire items edqctxxx/edqctxall (see question module, step 2) is transmitted to the software so that only relevant matches are shown to the respondents. After the respondent has made an answer using the CAMCES interfaces, the detailed qualification code as well as information about which interface has generated the code is transmitted back to the CAPI software. The CAMCES CAPI tool also allows survey agencies to specify the question text, instruction text, colors etc. via a configuration file. This file can be edited using a text editor. It generates log files with paradata such as time stamps for each respondent. Please find further details in the CAMCES documentation.

The CAPI version of the CAMCES tool has been implemented in the IAB-SOEP Migration Sample in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018. 

You can download the following files implemented in the IAB-SOEP Migration Sample 2017 and 2018 (M1 and M2):

  • Questionnaire module (not identical with the final general CAMCES question module, because this version is specifically adapted to the requirements of the IAB-SOEP Migration Sample)
  • List of countries 2017 (response options for question edqctxall/EDU_3) for implementation in CAPI questionnaire delivery software. Please order this list alphabetically. List of countries 2018.
  • The CAMCES CAPI tool itself, including the windows executable file and database (2017 version). This  is the Excel file reflecting the respective database version. 2018 version of the database (to  replace .sdf file in CAMCES CAPI tool folder).
  • Configuration files to be read by the CAMCES CAPI tool:
    • CAMCES_Interfaces.exe.config: for the first loop, i.e. asking about the highest educational qualification, and
    • CAMCES_Interfaces_Loop.exe.config: for any later loop, i.e. asking about other educational qualifications
  • Stata do-file to recode detailed qualification codes to ISCED 2011 to follow

You can download the following files implemented in the IAB-SOEP Migration Sample 2015 (M1) and 2016 (M2):

  • Questionnaire module (not identical with the final general CAMCES question module, because this is the 2015 version and specifically adapted to the requirements of the IAB-SOEP Migration Sample)
  • List of countries (response options for question edqctxall/EDU_3) for implementation in CAPI questionnaire delivery software. 
  • The CAMCES CAPI tool itself, including the windows executable file and database (2015 version). This  is the Excel file reflecting the respective database version. 
  • Configuration files to be read by the CAMCES CAPI tool:
    • Camces.exe_Bil1: for the first loop, i.e. asking about the highest educational qualification, and
    • Camces.exe_Bil2: for any later loop, i.e. asking about other educational qualifications
  • Stata do-file to recode detailed qualification codes to ISCED 2011

The following files apply to all years (i.e. 2015, 2016, 2017):

  • script to combine the paradata of all respondents into one .csv file (readme included)

Note that the list of countries and database contents are focused on countries of origin of migrants in Germany, specifically those in the IAB-SOEP Migration Sample M1.